Wireless EEG and EEG/TES for Sleep Research

Comfortable and lightweight for sleeping, the mobile, wireless Sleep WISP headband is part of two new products added into BEL’s Ecosystem for neuroscience research: the Sleep WISP EEG and the Sleep WISP EEG/TES. Easy to self-apply at home, the Sleep WISP offers EEG with Sleep Stages, Statistics, Graphics, and wireless streaming to BEL’s cloud-based FLOW software.

Extend your sleep research at home with unprecedented reproducibility!

The Sleep WISP was designed to move EEG research into real-world situations, including sleep research at home and on the go. The small, wearable, self-applied headband was created using miniaturization and machine learning for a small, mobile EEG unit. The Sleep WISP accurately tracks the participant's sleep stages in real-time using our proprietary machine learning technology.

Easy application and adjustments. 

NEAT software provides an elegant display of sleep stages and statistics and has been submitted to the FDA for 501(k) clearance.

The Sleep WISP redefines sleep improvement with patented technology that uses electrical stimulation to extend the time spent in deep, restorative sleep.  Sophisticated AI continuously monitors sleep EEG, classifies sleep stages in real time, and at the right stage, signals the Sleep WISP headband to activate the deep sleep enhancing stimulation protocol.

“This may be the first example of AI connected directly to monitoring the brain’s electrical activity and then directly manipulating that activity in real time.”Don Tucker, PhD, CEO.

BEL’s Sleep WISP (Wireless Interface Sensor Pod) has been designed based on initial studies with High Density EEG using the BEL EEG System One, reflecting our commitment to an ecosystem of technology for human brain electrophysiology. With this knowledge from HD EEG and studying the optimal electrode locations for Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TES), we designed the lightweight Sleep WISP EEG headband, bringing both EEG measurement and TES stimulation for many applications in human research, in sleep and waking.

The flexibility of having whole head coverage with the Geodesic Head Web and the BEL EEG System One in addition to the Sleep WISP headband gives your research new possibilities. Start your experiment in the laboratory and reproduce your work in the field or in the home. Both the BEL EEG System One and the Sleep WISP are mobile, wireless and stream data directly to FLOW software for workflow management.

The BEL's Sleep WISP headband is currently in use in a major study funded by the National Institute of Aging. The $2.5M grant to study improvement of Mild Cognitive Impairment uses a TES (Transcranial Electrical Stimulation) version of the Sleep WISP to lengthen restorative deep sleep for people with MCI. The link between a lack of deep sleep and neurodegenerative diseases is shown in recent scientific literature, as well as the promise of improving these conditions with better quality sleep.

BEL has received grants from the Department of Defense (DoD) to enhance deep sleep and boost military personnel performance, and from the National Institute of Aging (NIA) to aid patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.

BEL's Sleep WISP EEG products will become the backbone for Neurosom's sleep therapy applications. 

All of the BEL products are developed under BEL's quality system to meet regulatory standards.